Who am I?
First of all wanted to introduce myself and tell you briefly why I started writing this blog. My name is Juan Cabeza, I am a pianist and piano teacher in Madrid, Spain. I’ve been working as a piano teacher for nearly fifteen years in several public and private schools, in addition to the private classes I teach at my home also. I currently work at a music school named “Katarina Gurska“, a center where I have the chance to develop my teaching work and where I feel comfortable and encouraged to try different educational initiatives in developing a piano player. Most of my students are children between 5 and 12 years old in their first years of piano study. There early stages and novice years of piano students is what I like and where I have a specialized skill set for.
Why do I Blog?
The idea of launching a blog about teaching piano had been hanging around for a while but I could not quite make up my mind. Creating a blog is a job that takes a lot of time and effort, but in the end I decided to plunge and create megustaelpiano.com. I am a regular reader of blogs on piano pedagogy and I have learned a lot from them. However, I noticed that almost all blogs I have come across online about teaching piano are in English. I thought to myself that if I can create a blog in Spanish such as megustaelpiano, then I can cover some of the gaps that exist.
What are my goals for megustaelpiano.com?
With this blog I intend to continue to learn and improve as a teacher. Each entry requires elaborate research that will help me gain new perspectives and grow as a teacher. A teacher has to be changing and evolving with new practices and techniques that emerge. Thus, my way of teaching a class has changed enormously over the years. I hope to continue doing so even more now that I have the blog to help accompany me on this trip. The internet is an invaluable tool of our life time, and has all the information you may happen to need. The problem is how to find all this information and properly classify this work. My intention is to do my best in finding these resources to make it easily accessible.
Another key objective of this blog is to present content, reviews, materials, and resources to parents, students or other teachers who require a second opinion or advise. I also hope to have answers from readers who offer to enrich and give me new outlets and corners of the web.
In short, I hope you like megustaelpiano.com as much as I enjoy working on it and that this adventure will last many years.
Greetings to all my readers wherever you are.